Moscow…Syria, Iraq and Lebanon are facing danger of international terrorism

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that Syria, Iraq and Lebanon are facing a common danger represented in the spread of international terrorism “which doesn’t recognize the borders between countries and seeks to impose hegemony on more lands.”

In a statement published by Russia Today Website, the Ministry called upon Russia’s international partners to “objectively consider the very dangerous phenomena which have appeared in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.”

It underlined the importance of “abandoning the policy of double standards and of not taking measures that will increase the terrorist danger in the Middle East instead of putting an end to it.”

 “The latest events in Arsal town represent a new challenge for peace and stability in Lebanon,” the Ministry said, stressing necessity of preserving Lebanon’s territorial integrity.

It affirmed that Russia and Lebanon work together to consolidate cooperation and dialogue to realize security and stability in the Middle East according to the main principles of the international law.

R. al-Jazaeri /Ghossoun