Pushkov: US too late to acknowledge extremist groups in Syria are terrorists

Moscow, (SANA) – Chairman of the Russian Duma Committee on International Affairs, Alexei Pushkov, blamed the United States of America for spreading terrorism in the Middle East, stressing that the recent events in Iraq are evidence of the US policy’s absolute failure in the Middle East.

At a press conference held in Moscow, Pushkov pointed out that the Russian officials have warned their western partners during the past three years of the risks of these extremist organizations in Syria on peace and security in the region and the world at large.

He added that the US acknowledged lately that the extremist organizations in Syria are terrorists, but it was too late that these organizations formed their structure and gained strength, so the US has to shoulder full responsibility for its Middle East policy.

“After almost 6 years since US President Barack Obama took office, the results of the US policy have remained catastrophic, and the promises that Obama made in Cairo during his first visit to the Middle East have not been fulfilled,” Pushkov added.

In an interview with SANA correspondent in Moscow, Pushkov pointed out that what is happening in Syria is similar to what is happening in Ukraine as the two countries were the victim of great pressures by the US which is trying to impose its policy in changing regimes.

Pushkov added that the difference in the two countries is that the US managed to achieve its goal in Ukraine in spite of the rejection of the sweeping majority of the Ukrainian population which oppose the current regime.
