American and Syrian citizens protest in solidarity with Syria

Washington, (SANA)-Thousands of Americans and citizens of the Syrian community in different US cities organized mass marches in solidarity with Syria, calling on the US administration to stop supporting terrorists in Syria with money and weapons.

Participants in the march which was organized at Times Square in New York, upon an invitation by the Syrian-American Forum and the American Anti-war organizations, chanted slogans which condemn the aggression on Syria, calling for halting the war against it and raising Syrian flags and placards which calls for the halt of foreign intervention in the country.

“The gunmen in Syria are mercenaries… they receive billions of dollars… no matter if they receive them from Qatar or Turkey, but the decision in the end is an American,” a female protestor said.

Meanwhile, in the cities of Chicago and Los Angles, hundreds of Americans and Syrians gathered in front of the federal institutions to send a message to the US administration calling for halting the support, arming or financing the terrorists in Syria.