Aleppo young artists express hope through art

Aleppo, SANA – A group of artists from Aleppo organized an exhibition in the city that included a diverse collection of art objects, in a sign of their dogged determination to coninue to hold cultural and artistic activities despite all the hardships and challenges imposed by the ongoing terrorist war in the country.

The 60 displayed artistic items mainly included sculptures, paintings, photographs, wood carvings and handicrafts.

“The exhibits show real talent,” said Governor of Aleppo Mohammad Wahid Aqqad, applauding the 20 young members of “Art Group” who organized the 3-day exhibition, which was titled “Hope”.

“The exhibition is just a start,” Obaida Qudssi, one of the organizers, told SANA reporter, promising an array of activities to be held by the group in the future.

“We chose ‘hope’ for a name in expression of Aleppo people’s love for their homeland and unabated optimism about the future,” Qudssi added.

Haifa Said

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