الرئيسية / eng (صفحه 12)


Syria basketball team beats Palestine counterpart in West Asia championship

Amman, SANA, Syrian National Basketball team achieved its second win in West Asia championship taking place in the capital of Jordan, Amman beating Palestine 97-81. The match comes in the …

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Shia Imami Ismaili Council : Syrians able to practice constructive democracy

Damascus, (SANA) His Highness Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili Council for Syria stressed Monday that the Syrians are able to practice constructive democracy and build Syria as they chose …

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Army tightens grip on terrorists in several areas

  Provinces, (SANA)  Army units tightened grip on terrorists Tuesday, carrying out military operations against their dens and gatherings in several areas around the country. Army units destroyed terrorists’ ammunition …

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