الرئيسية / h.said (صفحه 20)


Syria ranked second on Arab level in International Collegiate Programming Contest

Moscow, SANA – Syria’s team was ranked second on the Arab level in the 2014 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals, held in Yekaterinburg city in Russia with the …

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Churkin: Russia will block Security Council resolution threatening Syria

New York, SANA – Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin stressed that Russia will prevent the adoption of a “humanitarian” resolution threatening sanctions against Syria at the UN …

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Army assumes control of more areas in Aleppo countryside

Aleppo, SANA – Units of the armed forces on Friday assumed full control of several areas in the countryside of Aleppo and continued razing terrorists’ gatherings in other areas. A …

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Interior Minister lauds prevailing security atmosphere in Hama

Hama, SANA – Interior Minister Maj. Gen. Mohammad al-Shaar praised the state of security and calm that prevails across the province of Hama. The praise came during a popular meeting …

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National Song Festival held in Damascus

Damascus, SANA – National Song Festival was wrapped up Thursday at the Opera House in the presence of Minister of Information Omran al-Zoubi. The festival, held over two days, included …

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Bolivian Parliament speaker: Syria’s presidential elections were fair

Moscow, SANA – Speaker of the Bolivian Parliament Marcelo Elio Chavez said Syria’s recent presidential elections were fair and legitimate and all world countries should respect their results. Elio Chavez …

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National Song Festival held in Damascus

Damascus, SANA – A two-day National Song Festival was wrapped up Thursday at the Opera House. H. Said

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Bogdanov: Moscow awaiting Washington’s response to proposed Syria tripartite meeting

Moscow, SANA – Russian President’s Special Envoy to the Middle East, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov revealed that Moscow is awaiting a response from Washington to a proposal made earlier …

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205 wanted people have their files settled

Provinces, SANA – The authorities settled the files of 29 wanted people from Idleb province who were misled into getting involved in the recent events in the country. The 29 …

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Liberation of Quneitra marked with hope for greater victory over terrorists

Quneitra, SANA – The 26th of June, 1974 marks a day of pride for Syrians across the country on which the Israeli occupation of the southern city of Quneitra was …

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