الرئيسية / h.said (صفحه 12)


The new SYP 500 banknotes released

Damascus, SANA – The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) put in circulation the new banknotes of 500 Syrian pounds on Sunday, only to be dispersed early next month. Governor of …

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UNHCR supplies health center in Hasaka with medicines

Hasaka, SANA – The UN Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) supplied the Health Training Center in the northeastern province of Hasaka an amount of medicines worth SYP 3 million. Director …

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“Green Road for Bicycles” project is in full swing

Damascus, SANA – The University of Damascus, in cooperation with the Islamic al-Baraka Bank Syria, launched Sunday the second phase of “Green Road for Bicycles” project within the university’s campus …

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President al-Assad names Dr. Najah al-Attar vice president

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad issued Saturday decree no. 228 naming Dr. Najah al-Attar vice president. Based on the decree, al-Attar will be charged with following up on the implementation …

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Open sports day for children with special needs

Damascus, SANA – The Syrian Special Olympics organized an open sports day for children with special needs at al-Faihaa Sport City in Damascus. Children enjoyed a variety of artistic, sport …

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Syrian sea green corridor…a means to increase exports amid sharp drop

Damascus, SANA – As the impacts of the current crisis facing the country have taken a severe toll on all economic sectors, with the agricultural trade being no exception, there …

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Syrian Science Olympiad wins another silver medal in int’l competitions

Damascus, SANA – A new achievement by the Syrian Science Olympiad was made in Taiwan where the International Olympiad in Informatics wrapped up earlier today. The national team earned a …

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Nocturnal march in Tartous tempted by the aesthetics of nature

Tartous, SANA – Tempted by the secrets of nature and driven by an overwhelming craving to fathom those secrets, “Salute to Nature” team in the charming coastal province of Tartous …

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Death toll from Israeli aggression on Gaza rises to 341

Gaza, SANA -Israeli occupation forces continued Saturday their brutal aggression on Gaza  within Arab, international official silence. Israel raided different areas in the Strip, claiming the lives of 45 Palestinians and …

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9th plane of UNHCR air bridge for aid arrives in Qamishli

Hasaka, SANA – A new plane carrying aid supplies offered by the UN Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) arrived in the airport of Qamishli city in the northeastern province of …

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