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Arab, International

July, 2014

  • 5 July

    UN-OPCW Joint Mission Coordinator hails Syria chemicals removal as “unprecedented”

    Beirut, SANA-Sigrid Kaag, the Special Coordinator for the OPCW-UN Joint Mission expected the chemical weapons file in Syria to be completely closed within two months. Speaking earlier in Damascus to …

  • 4 July

    Holy Synod of Antioch in Lebanon condemns silence over terrorists’ crimes in Syria

    Beirut, SANA – The participants in the Holy Synod of Antioch in Lebanon denounced the silence of the world over the terrorist crimes committed against the Syrian people. The remarks …

  • 3 July

    Abdullahian: Events in Syria and Iraq emerged from erroneous policies of some regional and international countries

    Tehran, SANA – Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdullahian stressed that the crisis in Syria and the situation in Iraq and the spread of …

  • 2 July

    UN Under-Secretary General for Political Affairs unveils he held “good” talks with Shaaban in Oslo

    New York, SANA – The United Nations Under-Secretary General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman unveiled that he held “good, comprehensive and candid talks” about regional issues with the Presidential Political …

  • 1 July

    Gatilov: Russia will not accept UNSC draft resolution on Syria if it included use of force or sanctions

    Moscow, SANA, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov, said that Moscow will not accept a UN Security Council draft resolution regarding the humanitarian situation in Syria if it includes any …

  • 1 July

    Abdullahian: Iran, Russia will continue supporting Syria

    Moscow, SANA – Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdullahian said Russia and Iran will continue their support to Syria and working on reaching a …

  • 1 July

    International Journalists Federation expels Israel

    Brussels, SANA – The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) issued a decision expelling Israel from the IFJ. 14 countries out of 17 voted in favor of the decision with 3 …

  • 1 July

    Russia tables UNSC draft presidential statement on illegal purchase of oil by terrorists

    Moscow, SANA – Russia submitted a draft presidential statement to the UN Security Council in which it called to prevent purchase of oil illegally from terrorists in areas in Syria. …

June, 2014

  • 30 June

    Russia, Iran discuss developments in Syria and Iraq

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, discussed with Iran’s Assistant Foreign Minister, Hussein Amir Abdullahian, the situation in the Middle East and events in Syria and Iraq. …

  • 30 June

    Iraq’s Deputy PM for Energy urges halt to arms supplies to terrorists

    Baghdad, SANA-Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussein Al-Shahrestani urged the countries which support terrorist gangs in Syria to refrain from supplying terrorists with advanced weapons as they are winding …