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National vaccination days launched by Health Ministry

Damascus, SANA_ The Ministry of Health on Sunday launched the National Vaccination Days Campaign which targets all children under the age of five. The campaign, which will last until June …

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Turkish-backed mercenary continue to set fire to wheat fields in Hasaka countryside

Hasaka, SANA_ The mercenaries of the Turkish occupation continue their criminal practices against the Syrian citizens where they re-burned large areas of wheat and barley fields. Civil sources told SANA …

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Government economic team: All necessary measures are being taken to restore exchange rate to normal

Damascus, SANA – The government economic team discussed the steps and procedures of the Central Bank of Syria to restore the exchange rate to its state before the recent unjustified …

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Protest against practices of US-backed QSD in Aleppo countryside

Aleppo, SANA – The locals of al-Sheyoukh village, which is affiliated to Ayn-al-Arab in Aleppo eastern countryside on Saturday protested in Manbij city against the practices of US-backed QSD (SDF) …

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US occupation sends new military convoy to Qamishli city

Hasaka, SANA – US occupation forces on Saturday sent a new military convoy consisted of tens of vehicles into Syrian lands coming from Iraqi territories in a new violation to …

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Health Ministry: Truck driver from Ras al-Ma’ara has recovered

Damascus, SANA-Health Ministry announced that the truck driver from Ras al-Ma’ara in Damascus countryside was discharged from Al-Zabadani Hospital after confirming his recovery with a negative test result twice successively. …

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Rice cultivation experiment in Syria to reduce importation

Tartous, SANA_ Local production of Rice, which is one of the most consumed foods by Syrians, would reduce importing it and, therefore, save foreign currency and contribute to supporting the …

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Education Ministry: 74 Syrian students arrive from Lebanon to apply for high school exams

Damascus, SANA- Education Ministry announced on Saturday the arrival of the second batch of 74 Syrian students coming from Lebanon to apply for the secondary school exams in light of …

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Saturday weather: Temperatures around average, scattered showers expected in coastal areas

Damascus, SANA-Temperatures tend to rise slightly to become around their average or little lower as the country is affected by low superficial air pressure accompanied with southeastern air currents in …

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Ministerial team affirms need for securing the flow of goods in markets

Damascus, SANA-The ministerial team tasked with following up the markets and securing the basic products held a meeting on Friday, chaired by Prime Minister, Hussein Arnous. Talks during the meeting …

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